Bowhill Riverfront Precinct Solomontown Kindergarten Campbelltown Preschool Seaton High School Redevelopment Walkerville Civic & Community Centre HLB Mann Judd Adelaide High School Hive Building Elders Head Office Coglin Street Development Sedi Keith Stephenson Park Playground Meals on Wheels SA Head Office University of Adelaide Learning Lab Adelaide High School Building 7 Flinders Children's Centre Westminster School Sports Pavilion Rowdy Group Fitout Capella Reserve Alberton Primary School 'The Nest' SHAPE Workplace Churchill Road Residential Australian Space Discovery Centre, Lot Fourteen Allied Health Building, Lot Fourteen Enzen Fitout Adelaide High School Landscape Wandana Child & Parent Centre SATAC Fitout George Whittle Reserve Lumina Apartments Marryatville High School Refurbishment and Landscape